Illegal Alien Crime Database – Check Your Neighborhood

( – Due to the lamestream media’s refusal to report the truth about the consequences of Joe Biden’s open border policies, the newly created website provides a detailed database of thousands of crimes committed by illegal aliens.

The site features an interactive map that allows users to zoom in on their communities and view crimes reported there, sourcing information from local news, statements from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and open records requests.

ICE reported that during Fiscal Year 2023, over 70,000 illegals with criminal convictions or pеnding charges were detained by its Enforcement and Removal Operations, in addition to 100,000 arrested for other immigration violations like overstaying visas or being wanted in other countries.

However, public details on these crimes are often scarcе, with many news reports omitting the immigration status of offenders.

For instance, a recent Associated Press story on the murder of a 12-year-old girl in Texas failed to mention that the suspects were Venezuelan nationals who had entered the U.S. illegally.

The website is an initiative by the nonprofit organization Restoration of America and was developed by leading conservativе researchers, including Hayden Ludwig.

“Now the families suffering from this unprecedented Bidenvasion crime wave have access to the facts the left-wing media won’t report on so they can take action where the radical Left won’t,” Ludwig stated.

So far, the researchers have documented 2,000 cases. Highlights from May alone include numerous arrests across the United States for serious crimes ranging from murder in Alabama, child sexual abuse in Florida, fraud in Colorado and a DUI in South Carolina that led to a death.

Notable cases reported include a Venezuelan in Illinois who allegedly dragged a woman though an alley while covering her mouth, an 18-year-old illegal in Kentucky charged with murder and a Colombian who was re-arrested in Massachusetts after being previously deported for murder.

Ludwig emphasizes the importance of this platform, saying, “Our team is doing the gritty investigative journalism America’s press is supposed to do to – but won’t – to uncover the horrifying truth about these crimes in this first-of-its-kind repository.”

“But it’s incredibly important that there’s a tool we can all use to see how close this ‘Bidenvasion’ policy failure has gotten to our very own backyards,” he concluded.

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