Debate Moderators CAUGHT In Scandal

( – Both CNN debate moderators for today’s presidential debate have been caught in a huge scandal, as it has been revealed that they have ties to intelligence officials involved in controversies concerning former President Donald Trump.

On the one hand, Jake Tapper reported a story sourced from former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who claimed that Russia hacked DNC emails to help Trump and that the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia.

This reporting, which later turned out to be unfounded, was significantly based on the discredited Steele Dossier, although Tapper failed to disclose it at the time.

On the other hand, Dana Bash was previously married to former Obama CIA chief Jeremy Bash, who is also connected to controversies surrounding the intelligence community’s actions.

Jeremy Bash was among the former intelligence officials who signed a 2020 letter falsely suggesting that the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop, reported by the New York Post, bore “all the classic earmarks” of a Russian disinformation operation.

This claim was later disproved when the contents of the laptop were verified and used by federal prosecutors to pursue charges against Hunter Biden.

Tapper, who won a Merriam Smith Award for his reporting on the DNC email leaks, never revealed Clapper as his source and did not correct the public record after Clapper denied the leaks came from the intelligence community.

Clapper later admitted to the leak during a deposition with the House Intelligence Committee and subsequently joined CNN as a national security analyst.

Jeremy Bash’s involvement went beyond just signing the letter about Hunter Biden’s laptop; he played a significant role in creating it and coordinating with other signatories.

Former Deputy CIA Director Mike Morrell testified that the letter aimed to “help then-Vice President Biden in the debate and to assist him in winning the election.”

Following the New York Post report debunking the Russian-meddling theory surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop, Tapper decided not to make any mention of it in subsequent shows.

However, he carefully avoided being directly involved by bringing in guests who said the laptop was a “right-wing conspiracy” and part of a “Russian disinformation” campaign.

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