Daytime Sleepiness Linked to THIS?!

Surprised woman covering her mouth with hand.

( – A concerning new study revealed that the link between daytime sleepiness and cognitive health in seniors could possibly be an indicator of pre-dementia conditions.

The study, published in the medical journal Neurology, has raised eyebrows among conservative health experts.

A compelling study from the Washington Heights-Inwood Community Aging Project at Columbia University tracked 1,041 participants over 65 years old over three years and found that 78 participants developed dementia.

This study utilized the RAND Medical Outcomes Study Sleep Scale to measure sleep problems, linking sleep inadequacy and increased daytime drowsiness with higher dementia risks.

The researchers divided participants into “poor sleepers” and “good sleepers” based on self-reported data.

This method lacks objective measurement and could be influenced by various factors, including personal biases and memory issues common in older adults.

The study’s lead author, Dr. Victoire Leroy, asserted, “Our findings emphasize the need for screening for sleep issues.”

However, this statement raises concerns about potential overreach in medical interventions and unnecessary anxiety among seniors who may experience occasional daytime tiredness.

While seniors and caregivers must prioritize sleep quality to protect cognitive health, regular health assessments, integrating professional guidance, and adjusting sleep hygiene can significantly impact seniors’ lifestyles.

Dr Leroy added, “More research needs to be done to look at the relationship between sleep issues and cognitive decline and the role played by motoric cognitive risk syndrome.”

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